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2020 Custom Trailboss Bed Liner


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Mar 27, 2022
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Hi all! I am looking to install a bed liner on my TB. I am confused about which bed size to use. I have a 2020 Custom Trailboss crewcab. I have seen several liners that say they don't fit that model. What non spray in liner do yall recommend?
My 2021 TB is the third pickup that I have put a Bed Rug brand bed liner in. These work so well for me I would not have a truck without one. Today my wife and I went a got a Full Yard of garden soil (2,200 lbs) and used a tarp to cover the Bed Rug. Your Bed is officially considered either 5' 10" or 5' 8" by vendors ... same thing. There is a Kit of special adhesive to use if yours has the Spray-In coating like mine has. This works well, you need it.

When I go and get Firewood, or Rock or Dirt ... I have them use a Front Loader and just dump the load straight in. The Bed Rug protects the bed from impacts. A Roll-Up Tonneau and a Bed Rug are absolutely Must-Have items, IMHO. Also ... shop around, you might get a lower price at somewhere other than the official Bed Rug site.
My 2021 TB is the third pickup that I have put a Bed Rug brand bed liner in. These work so well for me I would not have a truck without one. Today my wife and I went a got a Full Yard of garden soil (2,200 lbs) and used a tarp to cover the Bed Rug. Your Bed is officially considered either 5' 10" or 5' 8" by vendors ... same thing. There is a Kit of special adhesive to use if yours has the Spray-In coating like mine has. This works well, you need it.

When I go and get Firewood, or Rock or Dirt ... I have them use a Front Loader and just dump the load straight in. The Bed Rug protects the bed from impacts. A Roll-Up Tonneau and a Bed Rug are absolutely Must-Have items, IMHO. Also ... shop around, you might get a lower price at somewhere other than the official Bed Rug site.
I transport motorcycles and stuff in my bed occasionally, how do you think it would handle those?
The company says the fiber used is polypropylene, but in my years of experience it seems more like Spun Delrin. The carpet is very tough and durable. I have also carried dirt bikes, and equipment including an industrial Telescope Lens Polisher (Denver to San Diego) and an 1,800 lb metal lathe (Denver to Carbondale - 4 hours on I-70). Spilled oil, dirt, rock etc. ... nothing seems to bother a Bed Rug. And, I use a vacuum on mine because I like to keep it nice and clean. The bottom perimeter of the Bed Rug conforms very well to the corners. A large number of self-adhesive hook-&-loop fasteners make it seem almost permanently installed, and yet if I ever wanted to, I'm sure it can be removed in probly 20 minutes.

The newest version made for a Trail Boss has openings for the Bed Lights that my previous trucks did not have. And of course there are Slots for all of the tie-down loops that our truck beds include.