Again, I just can't take you serious if you can't speak in full sentences. It's like getting verbally punched by a two year old; a mental midget. Hell, my 11 yr old can't even take you seriously..I really am finding this laughable. Every time you post you look more and more ignorant to everyone who reads it. When you start insulting my family members I know I have won this pissing contest. I can just see you getting more and more angry
, and it's hilarious.
All because you acted like some condescending jerk in response to my original post. If you read everyone else's posts, they are all helping each other out; not making some sh!tty comments like you have. Its really unfortunate, but I expect nothing less from such a small man. This forum, and others like it, is probably all you've got. I'm going to click the ignore button on YOU now, and go back to enjoying others on here who are helpful, and enjoy their trucks. This is suppose to be fun, not a pissing match with some loser who is insecure, and wants to fight. I apologize to everyone else who has had to endure our back and forth, but not to you TrailBoss Troll; you're a douche.