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Disable Homelink when truck is off


Jan 26, 2022
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Fort Worth
Has anybody figured out the wiring to disable Homelink when the truck is off? I have to park in my driveway but I walk in through the garage. I’d like to be able to use Homelink to open it but I don’t like that someone could open my garage by breaking a window.

My other car disables Homelink with the ignition but for some reason GM left theirs active regardless of ignition being on or off.
I don’t have it on my truck but I would have thought it was powered with ignition on only. My garage door opener on the wall has a lockout feature which does not allow the opener outside to work.
I don’t have it on my truck but I would have thought it was powered with ignition on only. My garage door opener on the wall has a lockout feature which does not allow the opener outside to work.
Yeah, that’s what I’m doing for now. Just hitting the lockout each night when I make the house lockup rounds.
Has anybody figured out the wiring to disable Homelink when the truck is off? I have to park in my driveway but I walk in through the garage. I’d like to be able to use Homelink to open it but I don’t like that someone could open my garage by breaking a window.

My other car disables Homelink with the ignition but for some reason GM left theirs active regardless of ignition being on or off.
Only way to disable the homelink is to drop the overhead console (really easy to do) and disconnect the little connector on the module at the base of the buttons inside the console. The power and ground the homelink uses to function is the same power and ground the overhead console uses for all its other functions. But if you disconnect that module it will disable the switch functions and you should still retain the backlighting. Hope this helps!!
No reason for the HomeLink to work w/o the fob /ignition activated but for some reason, GMs do. My Acura HomeLink button is inoperable w/o pushing the start button with the fob close by. I’m Not bashing GM but makes no sense to me.
I believe a found a way to work around this particular 1st world problem. For now I have just been locking the remote open capabilities as part of making my rounds through the house to lock up and close blinds, etc. Not a big deal.

But now I am adding a smart home device to my garage opener and will be able to use Siri or Alexa to open/close as needed. Plus I can set it to automatically close when my 16 year old drives away... he closes the garage only about 50% of the time. The solution I am trying is relatively inexpensive are roughly $50. Hopefully it works out.


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