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How long after delivery "due date" did you wait for your truck?


New member
Jun 5, 2021
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Hey all,

First time poster on this forum. I recently put a deposit on a 2021 Custom Trail Boss (5.3L V8), here in Ontario Canada. When I put my deposit down and traded in my car, the dealer assured me it would be two weeks until the truck arrived (due May 27,2021). Still waiting, the dealer says they have no idea when it'll arrive, although I do have a VIN and all relevant info about the truck so it has been built. I know there is slow down due to chip shortage, but not sure how long I should expected to wait.. it's killing me lol! How long did you wait for delivery of your truck after it was built?


Hey all,

First time poster on this forum. I recently put a deposit on a 2021 Custom Trail Boss (5.3L V8), here in Ontario Canada. When I put my deposit down and traded in my car, the dealer assured me it would be two weeks until the truck arrived (due May 27,2021). Still waiting, the dealer says they have no idea when it'll arrive, although I do have a VIN and all relevant info about the truck so it has been built. I know there is slow down due to chip shortage, but not sure how long I should expected to wait.. it's killing me lol! How long did you wait for delivery of your truck after it was built?


Hold the dealer's feet to the fire. They have ways of knowing exactly where they are. They can tell you what lot it is on and what part it is waiting for. My dealer tracked mine down in 3 days. I had my TB within 1 week because it was totally ready.
Hold the dealer's feet to the fire. They have ways of knowing exactly where they are. They can tell you what lot it is on and what part it is waiting for. My dealer tracked mine down in 3 days. I had my TB within 1 week because it was totally ready.
I've tried, the guy said "worse case scenario next month, but I just say that so that if it comes in next week it'll be great!". I figure if I have an idea of where my dogs poo bags I ordered from Amazon are, there has ought to be some way of tracking a $50,000 vehicle. Is there something in particular I should be asking? Thanks for the response!
Hey which dealer told you it would take 2 weeks ? I found pretty much talked with every dealer in ontario and all the dealers said to me 10 to 12 weeks if all is well. I placed my custom order 2 weeks back and its still waiting to be processed lol lol. I hope to get my truck at least in Aug or early Sept. I ended up at humberview Chev to make my purchase.
Hey which dealer told you it would take 2 weeks ? I found pretty much talked with every dealer in ontario and all the dealers said to me 10 to 12 weeks if all is well. I placed my custom order 2 weeks back and its still waiting to be processed lol lol. I hope to get my truck at least in Aug or early Sept. I ended up at humberview Chev to make my purchase.
Hey! It was Highland GM in Aurora. Initially I had gone in to test drive a custom trail boss but the vehicle sold right before I got there, which was the only one they had in stock. They then told me that they had one coming in from the factory in 2 weeks (already had VIN and specific details), and that I could put a deposit down for it if I wanted. I was provided with the info and decided to put a deposit down as it had already been built with similar specs to what I would want. I figured this would be quicker than doing a factory order. But at this point I'm wondering... lol.
That is cool you found something close comming to what you wanted. My problem was I wanted the 6.6ft bed in red tint coat as well with rear seat storeage top and bottom. Im itching to see my VIN. Hey question for you if your truck made in Flint or Mexico. For my I dont care but I am hopping you say Flint as it is closer to us in Ontario.
That is cool you found something close comming to what you wanted. My problem was I wanted the 6.6ft bed in red tint coat as well with rear seat storeage top and bottom. Im itching to see my VIN. Hey question for you if your truck made in Flint or Mexico. For my I dont care but I am hopping you say Flint as it is closer to us in Ontario.
Yup! Built in Fort Wayne I believe (VIN starts with 1). Just really unsure what it the status is if it's built, due date was May 27, and still dealer knows nothing about where it is. Glad you were able to order one!
Thank you for the info !! :) DId the dealer at least tell you if it has left the plant ?
Hey which dealer told you it would take 2 weeks ? I found pretty much talked with every dealer in ontario and all the dealers said to me 10 to 12 weeks if all is well. I placed my custom order 2 weeks back and its still waiting to be processed lol lol. I hope to get my truck at least in Aug or early Sept. I ended up at humberview Chev to make my purchase.
The salesman said he knew someone at the regional depot where finished cars and trucks are stored. It's a lot about 45 miles from where I live and the salesman was able to put a priority on the ship date since it was already on their lot. I think I got it 3 weeks before it would have been normally scheduled for delivery to the dealership. I agree that all dealers should have the ability to prioritize the delivery of a sold vehicle ($500 deposit placed).
I’m locked in the same black hole that is “4D00-MP-Vehicle On Hold”. Dealer said they have called, but who knows. They “hope” it’s here by end of this month.
I had a similar experience when I ordered my TB. Was initially told 10-12 weeks. Then about 6 weeks passed and order hadn't been accepted yet, so I asked Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

Then was told the lead time hadn't been properly explained to me initially and that it takes 10-12 weeks after the order is accepted.

This kind of chapped my arse because all I wanted was a straight answer on how long the process would take.

I feel like the salesmen involved were willing to tell me anything to get the deal done, and then later on I find that the information I was given wasn't exactly true.

Anyway, TPW is 5/30/22 so I'm hoping for end of June/mid July to receive the TB.

In the end, it wasn't a big enough deal for me to cancel as I sold my truck and am putting the monthly payment away to increase my down payment when the new truck comes in.

Just wish I'd have gotten the straight scoop from the get go.
Delivery date was July 11th, 2021. I finally received my truck in November of 2021. Went through a huge ordeal with the dealership because they sold my trade-in prematurely.

At the end of the day, if you find yourself locked in a delay, be patient with the dealership. Poor dudes have zero inventory and have no control over production issues. They ended up doing right by me and offered a ton of stuff for free but all I needed was an apology and for them to cover the three payments that were due during the delay which they did.

Hope you end up with a good experience because the truck is worth it.
Got word today that my truck is stranded with a batch of bad “microchips for the window regulator”.

Dealer said about 700 vehicles affected and my VIN was one of the lucky ones

Has anyone heard anything about this issue?

Wife said “damn……its first recall and you don’t even HAVE it yet!”

Yeah yeah…..
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