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Incoming Boss - Newbie with Tire Question


Mar 7, 2024
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New to the forum here. I have been reading in the background for awhile and it seems like a great community.

I ordered a 2024 LT TB 3.0 Duramax in Slate Gray Metallic that should be delivered in the next 1-2 weeks (on the train from Silao). Ordered in January so pretty excited for it to arrive.

Would like to do a couple minor things to it in the short term, one being a diamondback bed cover, and the other being getting larger tires (I feel they undersized them from the factory). Have heard the factory goodyears are also not great and get noisy pretty fast so might just do it right away and sell the take offs while they are worth something. I have seen a lot of treads of tires, particularly, max size on stock etc including some recently. I haven't, however, found definitive answers on the largest tire that can be run with no trimming or modifications (forgive me its out there, I tried to search found close answers but not exact). My truck will have the 18" wheels. Most of the conversations end up talking about 1.5" leveling kits and wheels spacers to accommodate. For now, I'd like to put some Toyo Open Country AT3s on the truck in the max size with guaranteed no rub and trim. And am not interesting in the level or spacers. Could anyone help know what that size is ideally with personal experience to back it up? I am guessing 275/70R18 is a safe size its basically the same diameter and width as trucks that came with the factory 20"s but isn't that much larger (33.2 vs. 32.1). 285/70R18 would be the next step in width and diameter and would probably be my choice if it fits. I have read mixed reviews on anything 295 series because of the width. I am more concerned with getting some diameter to fill the wheel wells than width. Anyways, if anybody can help settle this I'd appreciate it!

Also open to any other accessory ideas.

I will post some pictures once I pick up the new ride.

Maybe a 285 75 18?
Thank you. The 285/75R18 sounds great. Just not sure if it fits. If anybody runs then would be great to hear their experience.
I run the Toyo AT III in 295 70 18 but also have a 2in lift and did some very minor mud flap trimming. They would have cleared fine if I didn't add 1.5in spacers to widen the stance. It was worth it. I have no regrets.
Welcome to the site and you can't go wrong with the Diamondback cover! Best cover ever.
Thanks. I have a neighbor who has one on his F150 and he loves it. And pretty much all the reviews I can find say the same thing as you about being it being great.
I have 285/75r18 on my stock Trail Boss. I ended up doing a mud flap delete due to rubbing. After that I did have a slight rub at full lock only in the wheel well liner. At 5,000 miles I rotated the tires from rear to front and the rubbing in the wheel well liner disappeared. I went with Goodyear Wrangler Duratracs because they were the closest to stock weight I could find. Imo, if you want the biggest tie you can fit without having to make a single modification you might want to consider 295/70r18. Hopefully somebody with that size will chime in. If $100 and a couple minutes of your time isn't too much of an inconvenience go with 285/75r18. I've provided a pic of my truck when I first put the tires on.


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Transient, thanks for your insight and the pic. First off, your truck looks killer with all the way around, love the color too. Secondly, that makes sense on the size. I guess I don't mind the mudflap delete idea too much (might want to see what looks like up close but I can do some research and I saw some threads on this on the forum) just not a huge fan of the actual rub but sounds like it went away quickly. Some brands vary a bit in actual diameter so maybe I can find one that runs slightly smaller and no issues if I do the mudflap delete.

Also, I noticed your antenna setup. Are you an amateur radio operator? Is so curious what radioes you are running and your install etc.
Transient, thanks for your insight and the pic. First off, your truck looks killer with all the way around, love the color too. Secondly, that makes sense on the size. I guess I don't mind the mudflap delete idea too much (might want to see what looks like up close but I can do some research and I saw some threads on this on the forum) just not a huge fan of the actual rub but sounds like it went away quickly. Some brands vary a bit in actual diameter so maybe I can find one that runs slightly smaller and no issues if I do the mudflap delete.

Also, I noticed your antenna setup. Are you an amateur radio operator? Is so curious what radioes you are running and your install etc.
Very true that some tires have a different diameter than others. Tire Rack says the Duratracs in 285/75r18 are actually 35.1" when mathematically they are 34.8". All the other tires I looked at said they were 34.8".

I am an amateur radio operator. I just earned my Technician license in November. That is the passenger side antenna. The radio is a Yaesu FTM-500DR with MARS mod. The antenna is a Comet CA-2X4SR mounted to a Comet 3D4M mount. The center antenna is a Uniden Bearcat all in one CB radio with a President Electronics Iowa antenna. The driver side antenna is a Midland MXT575 GMRS radio with a Midland 6db gain antenna. Ham and GMRS radios are mounted on DIN rail under the passenger seat. CB radio is mounted the same way under the driver's seat. The face of the Ham radio and all 3 mics are mounted to a Lido Electronics 28" tall extension that's mounted to the front left bolt of the front passenger seat. It's a very clean and uncluttered setup in the cab. Mounting for the antennas is via the metal plate on top of the GM Accessories sport bar. I couldn't bring myself to drill holes in the roof of my truck. I also hate how magnetic antennas can cause rust to the paint surface underneath them, so magnets were not an option imo.
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Very true that some tires have a different diameter than others. Tire Rack says the Duratracs in 285/75r18 are actually 35.1" when mathematically they are 34.8". All the other tires I looked at said they were 34.8".

I am an amateur radio operator. I just earned my Technician license in November. That is the passenger side antenna. The radio is a Yaesu FTM-500DR with MARS mod. The antenna is a Comet CA-2X4SR mounted to a Comet 3D4M mount. The center antenna is a Uniden Bearcat all in one CB radio with a President Electronics Iowa antenna. The driver side antenna is a Midland MXT575 GMRS radio with a Midland 6db gain antenna. Ham and GMRS radios are mounted on DIN rail under the passenger seat. CB radio is mounted the same way under the driver's seat. The face of the Ham radio and all 3 mics are mounted to a Lido Electronics 28" tall extension that's mounted to the front left bolt of the front passenger seat. It's a very clean and uncluttered setup in the cab. Mounting for the antennas is via the metal plate on top of the GM Accessories sport bar. I couldn't bring myself to drill holes in the roof of my truck. I also hate how magnetic antennas can cause rust to the paint surface underneath them, so magnets were not an option imo.
Very cool. Thanks for the info. I have been licensed for 20+ years (KD5THD). I dont operate too much but get involved in a local club from time to time. Nice to hear people out there are still getting their license. -73
Very cool. Thanks for the info. I have been licensed for 20+ years (KD5THD). I dont operate too much but get involved in a local club from time to time. Nice to hear people out there are still getting their license. -73
I'm KQ4MUL, but thinking about getting a vanity call sign. The club here is very active, and has monthly meetings that requires reserving banquet rooms for capacity. They have a couple nets throughout the week. The Elmer's out here are very involved. The club created a class that is taught through the local college to help people learn, study, and take the exams. $25 for the semester goes to the college. The club doesn't take a penny, which is a shame because the class is costing the club money when they provide materials for building antennas, etc. Allegedly, they are one of the few groups that is part of the local EOC, and even have a room in the center, along with an antenna farm. If the EOC is active there are a few local hams in there.

Btw, if you're ever in Florida as shtf turn to 444.725. The state activates a net that is run near the capital with repeaters on DOT towers so they have statewide comms. When there's no net anybody can talk on it. Once the net is active only ARES members at EOCs can communicate. The state can shut down repeaters if warranted because somebody doesn't respect the net. When I tune in to that frequency I hear people down in south Florida, and even the Keys. I'm about a far from them as you can get within the state. Before you could get a coffee at Starbucks I'd be in Alabama.


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