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No OBD on my 21 Trail Boss


New member
Jan 6, 2022
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX
So I went in to the dealer to get an oil change this morning and I wanted them to scan for codes while I was there.

The reason I asked for the scan was bc my check engine light came on 2 days prior for like 10 seconds and then turned off. I had just left my house, turned on to a main st going about 30mph when it came on. Blinking check engine light.

The car felt fine but the morning of the oil change it did feel a little ‘jerky’ while cruising on the highway. Almost like it was struggling.

Anyway, when the service tech goes to connect the OBD scanner he says there’s nothing there for him to connect it to.
He asked if I have it tuned or if I have some kind of AFM/DFM by pass device and I say no bc I don’t.

Another tech comes over and says I have something connected and disconnects it so he can connect the OBD scanner. No codes came back so he reconnects whatever was connected and that was that.

They couldn’t tell me what device is connected.
I have lifters replaced in 2021 at another dealer. Anyone have any idea or prior experience after getting the lifters replaced having something connected to bypass AFM/DFM?

The truck has never felt like it’s bypassed by the way so I doubt that’s what the device is for.
Update… did some digging and apparently it’s a device the dealer I bought it from installs on all of their vehicles.

It’s gives them the ability to shut off your vehicle or unlock your vehicle stuff like that. Weird.
Did you buy it used from a bad credit place? I know I've heard stories they install GPS trackers/vehicle disablers. Never heard of such a thing from a dealer. I think I read someone say their dealer told them to install an AFM/DFM disabler because of some issue they had.
That’s the thing. I bought it brand new. Only had like 5 miles when I got it. I’m going to see about taking it off.
It’s financed though my credit union.