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Not specifically a TB topic, but it'll apply to all of us sooner than later...


Apr 28, 2021
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I believe GDI IVD from CRC will be my new friend. Why? I just did some testing with it and I believe it will be a solid product going forward with my TB. I won't go into all the specifics on the initial post, but with the GDI systems in these trucks, it'll be crucial to keep them clean. I ran a can of this today in my service vehicle that has been averaging about 21.3 - 22.6 MPG on the highway for the past 40k +/- miles. I've not noticed any excessive rough idle, hard starts, hesitation, or emission issues with the vehicle. After doing some research I ran across this product and decided to make my service vehicle a test subject. I followed the label instructions. As it turns out, in the "10 minute driving at highway speeds" portion of the process, I received a service call that was about 120 miles roundtrip. The first leg of the trip yielded 26.7 average and the return was 31.7mpg. Full disclosure - the return trip did have about a 10-15mph tail wind involved, but still the improvement was highly measurable. The test vehicle has a 154k miles on it and has never had a fuel system cleaning outside of periodic throttle body cleaning. This intake valve treatment/cleaning has definitely helped restore lost mpg's and the acceleration has very moderately improved. $13/can was well spent in my opinion. I plan to attack my wife's car as my next test subject (currently at 70k miles). I was a skeptic at first, but seeing it first-hand has been impressive. Label says this should happen every 10k. Something to keep in mind as people's miles start piling up...
Test vehicle just got another 300 miles on it in the last couple of days with the mileage averaging right at 27mpg. Seems the cleaner has really done well with MPG restoration. My idle seems to have maintained a smoother profile as well over these test miles. City MPG has a small improvement over pre-treatment averages as well, so that's a bonus during my service route. Curious if anybody that has a 5.3 or 6.2 has ran this after, say, their 50k mark and has seen noticeable improvements. I've searched other GM forums but haven't found mention of it anywhere. I know the product is relatively new (and there are a couple of competitor brands available as well).
I believe GDI IVD from CRC will be my new friend. Why? I just did some testing with it and I believe it will be a solid product going forward with my TB. I won't go into all the specifics on the initial post, but with the GDI systems in these trucks, it'll be crucial to keep them clean. I ran a can of this today in my service vehicle that has been averaging about 21.3 - 22.6 MPG on the highway for the past 40k +/- miles. I've not noticed any excessive rough idle, hard starts, hesitation, or emission issues with the vehicle. After doing some research I ran across this product and decided to make my service vehicle a test subject. I followed the label instructions. As it turns out, in the "10 minute driving at highway speeds" portion of the process, I received a service call that was about 120 miles roundtrip. The first leg of the trip yielded 26.7 average and the return was 31.7mpg. Full disclosure - the return trip did have about a 10-15mph tail wind involved, but still the improvement was highly measurable. The test vehicle has a 154k miles on it and has never had a fuel system cleaning outside of periodic throttle body cleaning. This intake valve treatment/cleaning has definitely helped restore lost mpg's and the acceleration has very moderately improved. $13/can was well spent in my opinion. I plan to attack my wife's car as my next test subject (currently at 70k miles). I was a skeptic at first, but seeing it first-hand has been impressive. Label says this should happen every 10k. Something to keep in mind as people's miles start piling up...
I did the math on this and will check it out. Just wonder what it does to other engine parts....... If anything.
Wanted to see if the cost of the complete kit was worth it for miles per gallon increase. It came out to less than .001 for the increase in mpg. Well worth it versus the decrease in in mpg if you did not use it. Just want to make sure on the cost of buying the product was worth it.

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