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Shake in seat2021 Trailboss LT 5.3L


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Mar 31, 2024
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Can’t trace down the shake in my seat.
Wheels rotated and balanced.
Drive in 9 / still shakes

Any ideas??
Can’t trace down the shake in my seat.
Wheels rotated and balanced.
Drive in 9 / still shakes

Any ideas??
Some more info would be good!
Did this start suddenly after a modification or progress slowly over time?
Orignial tires?
How many miles on tires?
Any cupping wear?
Is the shaking constant or at a particular speed?
Do you have wheel spacers that might not be installed perfectly flat against the hubs, or a bent wheel/out of round tire?
Any driveshaft binding after a lift install or bad U-Joint or driveshaft damage after off-road adventure?
Here is my situation. I've had '99, '05, '15, and 2020 Silverados. Every one of them had a shake that you could feel in the steering wheel, just lightly touch the wheel with your finger tips as you are going down the highway. Also has a center console shake, just watch it as you go down the highway. And, the seat, you can feel it shake a bit if you pay attention.

Everyone of them right off the lot. Buddy just bought a new 2023, he has had several Silverados as well. Asked him, any shakes? Oh yeah!

Chevy knows about them as well. I don't think chevy has ant plans in the works after 25 years down the road.

Just search "Chevy Shake".... https://www.autoguide.com/auto-news...shake-is-affecting-pickup-trucks-now-too.html

Just my experience with Silverado.
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Here is my situation. I've had '99, '05, '15, and 2020 Silverados. Every one of them had a shake that you could feel in the steering wheel, just lightly touch the wheel with your finger tips as you are going down the highway. Also has a center console shake, just watch it as you go down the highway. And, the seat, you can feel it shake a bit if you pay attention.

Everyone of them right off the lot. Buddy just bought a new 2023, he has had several Silverados as well. Asked him, any shakes? Oh yeah!

Chevy knows about them as well. I don't think chevy has ant plans in the works after 25 years down the road.

Just search "Chevy Shake".... https://www.autoguide.com/auto-news...shake-is-affecting-pickup-trucks-now-too.html

Just my experience with Silverado.
"Chevy shake", aka "death wobble" is different than a simple vibration. All cars have a shake or vibration. It's not exclusive to GM. That's why for years experts have been advising to use driving gloves with padded palms to protect hands from nerve damage.

Furthermore, your article is about the K2XX platform, specifically model years 2014-2015. We've been on the T1XX platform since 2018. We haven't had any reports of dented driveshafts or contaminated shock oil.
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All good points. Can't say that I have experienced dented drive shafts or contaminated shock oil. This 2020 TrailBoss that I have, I must say, of all the Silverados I've had this one has the least vibration, but the vibration is there. Maybe the wrapped padded steering wheel is a possible fix for nerve damage.
Never noticed any vibration except when time to rotate tires. All good!
Don't drive in 9. The new 10 speed is a fantastic transmission. 9 is not going to save you from lifter issues. That is internet BS. Let the trany do its job. I'm not saying it is the cause of the shake but overall in the long run I believe it is not good for the transmission. Some pulsar and drive in 9 guys say "with DFM disabled it is so much more responsive when I hit the gas on the freeway. No more lag". According to GM DFM is disabled in milliseconds when you give it gas. My 2021 5.3 has no lag and I never even know when fuel management is active. Just my 2cents.
Also, I had the lifter issue. I heard it snap very loudly, 30 seconds after a cold start before I even put it in drive.

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