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Speed limit sign disappeared...

You stopped paying for Onstar assuming it's a 2022 refresh or 2023. If you don't have Onstar that part of the Google services stops working. I think there's a few other things as well.
Center of instrument display has road speed sign Was displaying posted speed, now blank.
What did I do?
Mine did the same thing when the free 1 month trial of the On Star Premium plan expired and reduced to the free 3 month trial of On Star essentials started. Included with the premium plan was a 1 month trial of unlimited data. To get it back, you have to subscribe to a data plan. Your choices are $25/per month for unlimited data or $15/per month for a 2 gb plan.
Seems 'weird' to have paid for a vehicle with certain features, only to find out that more money is required to access them...
And by weird I mean illegal......
What other 'features' might I have that I can't enjoy without an Onstar subscription?
FYI it's a Data hog, so unlimited is the way to go.

I decided Not to pay for all this extra garbage.
Unfortunately pay to play, with certain features, is only going to become more common as over the air updates ect gain more traction in the industry.

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