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Will putting a level kit on mess with the auto 4wd?


New member
Jan 4, 2021
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I have been doing some research on level kits so I can fit some bigger meatier tires. I've seen some posts on other sites stating that leveling a TB messes up the Auto 4wd feature. Does anyone know whether this is true or not?
I've seen several manufacturers make reference to "do no use Auto 4WD with this product installed". I don't have specific names or models to reference, but it seems to be a common theme.
I have the ReadyLift 6920. At the bottom of the kit description it says :
NOTE: Use of Auto 4 HI feature not recommended..
I have no use for auto 4wd in San Diego. I know when I need 4wd and its only when I’m launching my boat on a sandy beach w/o a concrete ramp or maybe in the snow but I can plan ahead for both situations 👍

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